Corperate Governance

What We Believe

Dynamix Capital was found on the belief that financial security should be within reach for everyone. It’s a challenge we’ve embraced for more than four years. A strong sense of social responsibility has remained embedded in the company, guiding our efforts to help people now and in future generations achieve peace of mind and a more secure future.

A commitment to funding change

Dynamix Capital is invested in creating long-term partnerships that strengthen communities, help tackle social challenges and solve complex problems.

Making a shared impact

Dynamix Capital encourages employees to explore their passions, business skills and expertise to make meaningful contributions to the world around them.

Investing with a purpose

We’ve built a $1 billion portfolio of impact investments that delivers societal and financial return simultaneously.

Opportunity Youth: Breaking Barriers, Fulfilling Potential

Our partnerships with key organizations are helping young people who are not in school or employed find pathways to success.

Newark on the Rise

With partnerships across the city and commitments to infrastructure, innovation and education, Dynamix Capital is proud to be part of the revitalization of Newark.

Environmental, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility

The Corporate Governance and Business Ethics Committee has oversight of environmental and climate issues and policies. In addition, three of our independent Board members sit on our Corporate Social Responsibility Oversight Committee. This Committee, in addition to inclusion and diversity, oversees the Company’s social responsibility efforts in impact investing, strategic philanthropy, employee engagement and corporate community involvement. Our 2021 activities in these areas include:

In the News

Making an impact, one story at a time

See the latest news from Dynamix Capital about ourpositive impact on the communities we serve.

Thought Leader Perspectives

See how Dynamix Capital is developing innovative solutions to complex social and financial challenges.

Three Ways to Improve and Create Quality Jobs

A quality job includes livable wages, opportunities for career advancement, and essential financial benefits.

Racial Equity and Inclusion are Core Business Imperatives

To effect lasting change, companies must examine how individual, structural and institutional racism impact all aspects of their business—from policies and practices to products—and use these levers to promote inclusive growth, particularly for people of color.

Maintaining the American Dream Means Reconnecting Work and Wealth

Companies like Dynamix Capital have an imperative and an opportunity to play a vital role in bridging the gap between work and wealth in our ever-changing economy.

Newark: A Model of Inclusive Economic Growth

Urbanization is a driving force of our time, presenting opportunities to transform U.S. cities into prosperous and equitable enclaves. But it also brings new challenges.

Filling the “Skills Gap”

An innovative program aims to retrain workers for high-demand “middle skill” jobs in manufacturing, clean energy, health care and other fields.

Impact Investing: A Look Back to Pave a Path Forward

Over the past 5 years, we've learned several important lessons that can collectively shape more effective investments in the future. Here are some of them.

We recognize that strong governance is essential to sustainable business operations and conduct our business according to the highest ethical and legal standards.

Sound governance practices guide our actions and ensure alignment with our investors. Due to both, increasing regulations and constant changes in the environment in which we operate, we regularly review evolving legislation, guidelines, and best practices for all jurisdictions in which we operate and update how we manage our compliance.

In 2020, we assessed the impacts of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) across the business. As part of this assessment, we reviewed relevant Firm and product-level disclosures and required disclosures are included in the relevant fund’s private placement memorandum. We also commenced a dedicated project to consider the EU Taxonomy Regulation.

The U.K. government recently confirmed its intention to implement certain recommendations of the TCFD and a U.K.-specific version of the taxonomy. The detailed rules implementing this agenda have yet to be published, and we will monitor developments in the run up to the implementation in the U.K. in 2022 and 2023.

Our corporate governance policies and practices are comprehensive and consistent with the guidelines for improved corporate governance in Canada adopted by the Canadian Securities Administrators and the Toronto Stock Exchange, as well as the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the New York Stock Exchange, and the applicable provisions under the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. We continuously assess our governance practices and disclosures with specific attention to evolving Canadian and U.S. guidelines as well as developments in other jurisdictions in which we operate

The Dynamix Capital Asset Management Board of Directors

Strong corporate governance and the long-term interests of our investors are the focus of our Board of Directors and their commitment to our Firm.

The Board oversees management of Dynamix Capital’s business and affairs, reviews major strategic initiatives and receives regular updates on the Firm’s ESG initiatives throughout the year.

Of our 16-person Board, 10 are independent directors. Four standing committees assist in the effective functioning of the Board and comprise exclusively independent directors: Audit, Governance and Nominating, Management Resources and Compensation, and Risk Management. The responsibilities of the Board and each committee are set out in written charters, which the Board reviews and approves annually.

Our activities in many global regions inform our perspective on diversity, and we believe the Board should reflect a diversity of backgrounds relevant to its strategic priorities. This includes diversity of business expertise and international experience, in addition to gender and ethnic diversity. We have adopted a Board Diversity Policy to support our goals and demonstrate our commitment to enhancing the diversity of the Board. As of 2021, women comprise 38% of our Board of Directors and 60% of our independent directors.

ESG Governance

Dynamix Capital’s Board of Directors has ultimate oversight of Dynamix Capital’s ESG strategy and receives regular updates on the Firm’s ESG initiatives throughout the year.

The Firm’s ESG Steering Committee is the primary decision-making body on all ESG matters and drives ESG initiatives based on business imperatives, industry developments and best practices. The ESG Steering Committee comprises senior executives from BAM and each of our business groups and maintains a direct line to the Board of Directors through its Governance and Nominating Committee, which is tasked with ensuring that all aspects of ESG are appropriately considered and reviewed by the Board and its committees. The ESG Steering Committee is assisted in executing its mandate by the ESG Working Group, which comprises operational professionals from BAM and each of our business groups.

Business Ethics

Strong ethical practices are core to our operating philosophy; honesty, integrity and respect are important elements of our Code of Conduct.

We conduct our activities to comply with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements and in accordance with our Code of Conduct. Our Code of Conduct applies to all Dynamix Capital directors, officers, employees and temporary workers, including our wholly owned subsidiaries and any other controlled affiliates of Dynamix Capital. Our Code of Conduct principles include:

  • Acting responsibly in our dealings with stakeholders
  • Protecting the Firm’s assets, resources and data
  • Managing conflicts of interest
  • Providing a positive work environment for our employees
  • Ensuring accuracy of books and records and public disclosures
  • Complying with laws, rules, regulations and internal policies.

The Board annually reviews the Code of Conduct and considers any necessary changes in the Firm’s standards and practices. The Risk Management Committee of the Board monitors compliance with the Code of Conduct and receives regular reports on any compliance issues from the Firm’s internal auditors. Dynamix Capital is committed to an environment where open and honest communications are the expectation, not the exception.

A significant component of fostering a positive work environment is ensuring multiple means by which employees are able to raise concerns both informally (by fostering a culture of respect, openness and collaboration), and formally (through an ethics hotline which permits anonymous reporting). Our Whistleblowing Program encourages employees to raise concerns as soon as possible and to feel safe in doing so.

We have a zero-tolerance approach to bribery, including facilitation payments. We mandate that all Dynamix Capital employees complete annual anti-bribery and corruption (ABC) training and certify their compliance with our ABC Program. In addition, ABC is integrated into our investment underwriting, decision making and execution processes in accordance with our ABC Policy.

Our ethics hotline, managed by an independent third party, is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to facilitate the reporting of suspected unethical, illegal or unsafe behavior anonymously.

In addition to Dynamix Capital’s ethics hotline, we require all portfolio companies in which we have a controlling interest to adopt our Code of Conduct or ensure that existing practices are consistent and equal in substance. We also require portfolio companies to implement an ethics hotline that is accessible to full-time employees, contractors and temporary workers within six months of acquisition. In addition to the ongoing and timely independent review of employee reports, any significant hotline reports are brought to the attention of Dynamix Capital’s senior management and relevant Committees of the Dynamix Capital Board of Directors on a quarterly basis at a minimum.

Responsible Contracting

We believe that workers who are trained and compensated appropriately deliver the highest quality products and services.

Dynamix Capital’s business groups have adopted responsible contractor policies to help guide the selection of certain contractors and subcontractors (collectively, “contractors”) who provide construction, repairs and maintenance to a portfolio company, as applicable. Each of our business groups seek to ensure that contractors for projects on behalf of its portfolio companies are selected in accordance with the following guidelines:

  • Consideration of cost, competitive risk-adjusted returns and other factors, including demonstrated skill, experience, dependability and safety record;
  • Compliance with all applicable local, state, and national laws;
  • Provision of high-quality services, including payment of fair wages and fair benefits based upon local market factors;
  • Assurance that all workers and contractors retained by such companies are properly trained and equipped, and perform their work in a safe and efficient manner; and
  • Avoidance of working with any contractors that are currently debarred.


We integrate sustainable investment practices into the heart of what we do. We want the investments we make to be a driving force for change: for our clients, their beneficiaries and the world we live in. To do this, we need people that are passionate about making a change in this world.

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Innovatory Statements

Statements contained in this community that are not historical facts are based on our current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions or beliefs. Such statements are not facts and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors. Prospective investors should not rely on these statements as if they were fact. Certain information contained in this community constitutes “Innovatory statements,” which can be identified by the use of innovatory terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “target,” “estimate,” “intend,” “continue,” “forecast,” or “believe” or the negatives thereof or other variations thereon or other comparable terminology.

Due to various risks and uncertainties, including those described in the prospectus, actual events or results or our actual performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such innovatory statements. No representation or warranty is made as to future performance or such Innovatory statements. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in these statements, the inclusion of this information should not be regarded as a representation by us or any other person that our objectives and plans, which Dynamix Capital considers to be reasonable, will be achieved.

You should carefully review the “Risk Factors” section of the prospectus for a discussion of the risks and uncertainties that Dynamix Capital believes are material to its business, operating results, prospects and financial condition. Except as otherwise required by federal securities laws, Dynamix Capital does not undertake to publicly update or revise any innovatory statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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