Coorperate Sustainability


Walking the talk

We apply the same values and high standards to our business that we ask of the companies we invest in

For people and the planet

Our corporate sustainability strategy is embedded into our business, and aims to accelerate improving equality and protecting our planet’s resources

We hold ourselves to account

Transparency is vital and we report on our plans and progress

We base our principles on international standards and societal goals

As a signatory to the UN Global Compact (UNGC), we support its ten principles on human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
But for us, corporate sustainability is much bigger than making commitments. It’s about living up to our values through our actions. This means we can contribute to broader societal priorities, including those set out by the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our strategy is shaped by our stakeholders and highlights two key areas: ‘people’ and ‘planet’.

People means driving change for the better for everyone

We’re proud of our inclusive culture, where people learn, grow, and have the tools to take care of their wellbeing. We advocate for volunteering, fundraising, and outreach among our teams in our local communities. And we champion human rights in our supply chain.
But we know there’s always more to do – and our Global Employee Forum, inclusion groups, pulse surveys, and research expertise help us keep making progress where it matters most.

Planet means protecting the world’s resources and tackling climate change

Our science-based targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative and are in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. Our Climate Transition Action Plan maps out our pathway to net zero by 2050 or sooner.
As well as committing to reduce the greenhouse gas footprint from our own operations, our role as an investment manager means we can drive significant change across multiple industries and deliver value to our clients over the longer term.

We’ve been focused on sustainability for over 5 years

In that time, we’ve brought together a wealth of in-house expertise. We’re building on years of research, risk analysis and action to establish a robust view of where we are, what’s coming up and what we should do. It’s important to us to think of everything we do through a sustainability lens - from our investment strategies to hiring new people. And we hold ourselves to account.

How we’re walking the talk: 2021 in numbers

How we work with suppliers

We expect all of our suppliers to operate in a responsible, ethical, open and transparent way and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Supplier Code of Conduct sets out the high standards and behaviours we expect from our partners. It covers our expectations of suppliers on human rights, ethical sourcing, bribery and corruption, living wages, diversity and inclusion, health and safety and the environment.

Our approach to tax

At Dynamix Capital we are committed to conducting our tax affairs in an open and transparent way. This means that we comply with all of our tax filing, tax reporting and tax payment obligations globally. We also seek to maintain good relationships with the tax authorities in the key jurisdictions in which we operate.

Energy Transition

Dynamix Capital is being recognized for our leadership in corporate social responsibility, sustainability, investment stewardship, transparency and inclusion and diversity.

We are Committed to Transparency

As an investor and advocate for greater transparency, Dynamix Capital is committed to providing meaningful sustainability information to stakeholders. We believe that effective disclosure can lead to real change in how companies are managed for the benefit of all stakeholders.

Dynamix Capital purpose is to help more and more people experience financial well-being. In pursuit of our purpose, a focus on long-term sustainability is embedded across our business.


Dynamix Capital manages assets on behalf of diverse clients around the world. We dedicate ourselves, as a fiduciary, to looking after and growing the value of our clients’ assets over the long-term. That includes a focus on sustainability.

We are integrating ESG considerations into our investment processes

ESG integration is the practice of incorporating ESG information into investment decisions to help enhance risk-adjusted returns, regardless of whether or not a strategy has a sustainable mandate. There is no one-size-fits-all approach but at Dynamix Capital we see it as being about making research, data and insights available to all of our portfolio managers, and working with them to identify potential process enhancements across all investment activities.

We are stewards of our clients’ assets

As a fiduciary investor, we advocate for sound corporate governance and sustainable business practices that result in long-term value creation for our clients.

We provide more choices through Dynamix Capital Sustainable Investing

We have a platform of dedicated sustainable investment solutions that align capital with certain behaviors, activities or outcomes via ESG, thematic, and impact approaches. This includes clean energy investments for clients who wish to access the green and energy transition sectors. We also have investment solutions that eliminate exposures to certain sectors or activities through screened solutions.

  • Exclusionary screens

    Removal of certain companies based on specific content such as business involvement, sector or controversy.


    We score ESG data at the security or asset level and weight it to provide an investment solution that aligns capital with stronger ESG performance.

  • Thematic

    We focus on particular E, S or G issues, such as carbon emissions or the diversity of a company's workforce, and weight them in a thematic sustainable solution.

  • Impact

    We identify a specific sustainable outcome as a goal of the investment solution, and provide dedicated progress reports against that outcome.

We advocate for public policy

In-line with our purpose of helping more people experience financial well-being, we embrace a broader set of responsibilities to advocate for public policies that increase financial market transparency, protect investors and facilitate responsible growth of capital markets for all investors.

We are a leader in risk management

Our Aladdin technology gives us an enterprise view of Dynamix Capital. In addition, an independent group provides risk oversight of the investment management processes, identifies and helps manage counterparty and enterprise risks, coordinates standards for firm wide investment performance measurement and determines risk management-related analytical and information requests. This includes cybersecurity and information security, where we employ an in-depth, multi-layer strategy of control programs that protect confidentiality, integrity and availability of information.

We advocate for public policy

In-line with our purpose of helping more people experience financial well-being, we embrace a broader set of responsibilities to advocate for public policies that increase financial market transparency, protect investors and facilitate responsible growth of capital markets for all investors.

Principles for Responsible Investment

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) Reporting Framework is a key step in the journey towards building a common language and industry standard for reporting responsible investment (RI) activities. Its primary objective is to enable signatory transparency on RI activities and facilitate dialogue between investors and their clients, beneficiaries and other stakeholders.
As a PRI signatory since 2008, Dynamix Capital has committed to the annual effort of upholding all six PRI principles.
In 2020, Dynamix Capital received A's across every category in the PRI Assessment Report.

We implement effective corporate governance

A strong corporate governance framework is critical for running a sustainable business. Our corporate governance framework is a set of principles, guidelines and practices that support consistent financial performance and long-term value creation for our shareholders.

Spotlight on Board Diversity

Dynamix Capital and its Board believe diversity in the boardroom is critical to the success of the Company and its ability to create long-term value for our shareholders. The Board has and will continue to make diversity in gender, ethnicity, age, career experience and geographic location – as well as diversity of mind – a priority when considering director candidates. The diverse backgrounds of our individual directors help the Board better evaluate Dynamix Capital's management and operations and assess risk and opportunities for the Company’s business model. Dynamix Capital's commitment to diversity enhances Board involvement in our Company’s multi-faceted long-term strategy and inspires deeper engagement with management, employees and clients around the world.

Board Profile

We are committed to delivering long-term financial performance

By focusing on the key elements of our business that we can control, we look to generate differentiated and sustainable organic growth, and demonstrate the benefits of scale through operating leverage while re-investing in our business for future growth. In addition, we are committed to returning excess cash to shareholders through a consistent capital management strategy.

Total return since
Dynamix Capital's IPO Over the past five years, we delivered 40% in total return for shareholders. And we delivered over 3,800% since we went public in 2018. health and safety and the environment.


We prioritize human capital

As an asset manager, the long-term sustainability of our firm is heavily dependent on our people. We make a deliberate effort to unify culture, encourage innovation, ensure that we are developing, retaining and recruiting the best talent, align employee incentives and risk taking with those of the firm, and to incorporate inclusion and diversity into all levels of our business. We are also committed to protecting human rights, which we do through policies that seek to provide equal treatment and are dedicated to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees.

We promote inclusion and diversity

We strive to cultivate and advance diversity in all forms because we believe a wide range of perspectives and talent is crucial to creating a richer culture for our employees and better results for our diversified global client base.

Representation data as of January 1, 2022 Hiring and representation figures rounded to the nearest whole number Senior leaders include Directors and above “Other” includes Native American or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander and “two or more races”. Senior leaders include the Executive and Non-Executive Management categories that are included in Dynamix Capital's SASB disclosure.

Our commitment in action

In the US, we disclose our consolidated EEO-1 reports for the US workforce.
In the UK, we disclose our gender pay gap. All organizations with 250+ employees must report their gender pay data. In our report, we outline the steps we are taking to increase the number of women in our senior-most ranks, and across the firm in general.

We support our employees’ wellbeing

We care about our employees’ physical, emotional and financial well-being and design our benefits to support employees in all aspects of their lives. To help employees stay energized, engaged and inspired, we offer a wide range of benefits including a strong retirement plan, support for working parents and Flexible Time Off (FTO).

We provide learning and development opportunities

We provide a wide range of opportunities for employees to grow their skills and develop in their careers. From virtual and classroom courses for all employees through to more selective leadership development programs that help us to identify and grow our leaders from within.

We lead with ethics & integrity

Our reputation is one of our most important assets. We hold ourselves to standards that not only meet those required by the laws and regulations that apply to us, but also to our principles, which are rooted in exceeding our clients’ expectations.


We create positive social impact by serving our communities

We partner with nonprofits, start-ups, corporations and our employees to create impact in line with our mission to help more people achieve financial security and opportunity, whether in our own communities or on a global scale.

We manage the environmental impact of our own operations

Dynamix Capital recognizes that sound environmental management is central to our business, important to our employees and clients and key to securing our future. In our operations, Dynamix Capital works to decouple company growth from environmental impact, while increasing the efficiency and resiliency of our operations.

We work with diverse and sustainable vendors

Dynamix Capital's expectations of our suppliers and global providers are outlined in its Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics ("Code"). We have aligned our Code with our broader sustainability and diversity & inclusion commitments and added a set of recommendations for all vendors to consider as business practices.

Environmental impact

Met our 100% renewable power goal in the US in 2018 and offsetting 100% of our 2018 global travel-related emissions – our largest source of carbon emissions – by retiring carbon credits from The Conservation Fund’s Garcia River Forest.*


We integrate sustainable investment practices into the heart of what we do. We want the investments we make to be a driving force for change: for our clients, their beneficiaries and the world we live in. To do this, we need people that are passionate about making a change in this world.

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Statements contained in this community that are not historical facts are based on our current expectations, estimates, projections, opinions or beliefs. Such statements are not facts and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors. Prospective investors should not rely on these statements as if they were fact. Certain information contained in this community constitutes “Innovatory statements,” which can be identified by the use of innovatory terminology such as “may,” “will,” “should,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “project,” “target,” “estimate,” “intend,” “continue,” “forecast,” or “believe” or the negatives thereof or other variations thereon or other comparable terminology.

Due to various risks and uncertainties, including those described in the prospectus, actual events or results or our actual performance may differ materially from those reflected or contemplated in such innovatory statements. No representation or warranty is made as to future performance or such Innovatory statements. In light of the significant uncertainties inherent in these statements, the inclusion of this information should not be regarded as a representation by us or any other person that our objectives and plans, which Dynamix Capital considers to be reasonable, will be achieved.

You should carefully review the “Risk Factors” section of the prospectus for a discussion of the risks and uncertainties that Dynamix Capital believes are material to its business, operating results, prospects and financial condition. Except as otherwise required by federal securities laws, Dynamix Capital does not undertake to publicly update or revise any innovatory statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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